(English follows)
Disfrutamos la tradicion de comer la rosca de reyes el 6 de enero, conmemorando la llegada de los Reyes Magos a Belen. Les toco a varias personas la figurita de un bebe, obligandoles a proveer los tamales para el 2 de febrero, dia de la Candelaria, la presentacion de Jesus y la purificacion de la Virgen. Espero que se junten con nosotros para la fiesta a las 7!
On January 6, we enjoyed the King's Cake, commemorating the arrival of the Three Kings in Bethlehem. Several people found the little baby figure in their slice of cake, which means they have to bring the tamales to the February 2nd Candelaria party, or celebration of the Presentation of Jesus/Purification of the Virgen Mary. It will be at 7 PM. We hope you can join us!